LMS Samtech Tea Pipe rev15SL2 for CATIA V5 R18-R22


New features : *) Free torsion and angular shift computation *) Material identification features *) Flexibility between pipe and separator branch *) PR0152015: Show Reinforcements in Replay file by default *) PR0147503: Set mainbody as current feature after CAD generation *) Optimization features panel changed similarly as Material identification *) Automatic on demand generation of a pipe features from a given optimization iteration under contextual menu command *) New plot for acceleration in Harmonic Response analysis for punctual reinforcements/supports and true connectors. *) Handle grooving reinforcements with pipe_inner_diameter < reinforcement_outer_diameter < pipe_outer_diameter *) Add descriptive figures in pipe/connector/reinforcement/support/spiral/separator/collector panels *) Add move to top/bottom in history panel *) Add post-treatment of complete VonMises after Harmonic Response for 1D beams *) Bowden Cable : Replace Pulling force by pulling disp/pulling stiffness/friction *) Handle Prolog/Epilog to Samcef bank file *) Use SAMRES API instead of SAMRES EXE to read FEM result. *) Use SAMCEF libs/exe version 16.0.2 *) View replay after Modal analysis


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